Events & News
2August 2021
Ming Pao "Retirement Planning" interview
Hong Kong people are increasingly aware of retirement planning. We shared our suggestions on pre- and post-retirement at a recent interview by Ming Pao.Click here (interview in Chinese)Details -
7April 2021
Good MPF Employer Award 2020-21 open for applications
The Good MPF Employer Award 2020-21, organiezd by the MPFA, is open for applications from 1 April until 30 June. Click here for detailsDetails -
29January 2021
Getting Back on Track
"The Covid-19 pandemic has unleashed a global economic crisis that has had a dramatic impact on all aspects of society and life." In this article, we discuss saving and retiring with confidence in the new normal. See full article hereDetails -
7December 2020
Interview on Asia Asset Management
"Be prepared - as the population ages, Hong Kongers need to save more for retirement." PSA Chairman Ms. Elaine Lau was recently interviewed by Asia Asset Management and shared her view on the MPF System. See full article hereDetails -
1December 2020
The MPF System celebrates its 20th anniversary
Ms. Elaine Lau, Chairman of Pension Schemes Association, speaks on the progress, achievements and outlook for the system. Click here to see the videoDetails -
10August 2020
Ming Pao "Retirement Planning" interview
MPF members often panic during financial crisis especially if they approach retirement age. We shared our suggestions at a recent interview by Ming Pao.Click here (Interview in Chinese)Details